September 16, 2009

This week we turn to God with a prayer for Those who are Suffering .

We hope this prayer and related readings will enliven your spirit and enrich your unfolding journey of faith.

May God's peace be with you~

Reflections for Your 

In this issue
  • Prayer for Those who are Suffering
  • Cards of Comfort and Hope
  • Partner Spotlight

  • Cards of Comfort and Hope

    explorefaith has a beautiful selection of e-cards conveying comfort, condolence and hope for healing. Choose from our great selection of FREE cards or—better yet—one of our premium honorary cards to send your family and friends a message of love and concern.

    See our free e-cards

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    Partner Spotlight


    explorefaith values our alliance with Spirituality & Practice, a multi-faith Web site that offers a myriad of resources for practicing spirituality in everyday life.

    From book, audio and film reviews to in- depth profiles of spiritual teachers and e-courses on wide-ranging subjects and themes, Spirituality & Practice mirrors our belief that faith formation is a deeply personal process enriched and enlivened by diverse perspectives and intentional practice.

    Register Today for "Living The Hours," a six-week online retreat exploring the ancient spiritual practice of fixed-hour prayer.

    New Dates: September 21 - October 30.

    Help explorefaith when you follow this link to register

    Learn more about our Partners in Ministry

    Visit Spirituality & Practice

    Prayer for Those who are Suffering

    Gracious God,

    Even though I do not understand the reasons for suffering, I believe that you are a God of love, a God of compassion. I pray that you will be with all those this day that are in pain, who suffer silently and alone, who feel abandoned and left by the side of life's road. Wrap your arms of grace around them, until they know they are safely held in your embrace.

    I ask this for the sake of your great love. Amen.

    Read more of this prayer

    Pentecost Calendar

    Then Jacob woke from his sleep and said, "Surely the Lord is in this place and I did not know it."

    —Genesis 28:16

    from Practicing Holiness on Ordinary Days:
    A quote-a-day calendar
    for the season of Pentecost-

    Death and Sorrw

    There is no life without death, and the accompanying grief that is natural to the experience of death in all its forms. But there is no death apart from the possibility of new life and transformation.

    The human experience of the apparent abandonment of God and the grief and even despair that are a part of that experience are very real for many people. Finding the courage to accept loss and death, and to enter into the grief they bring, is a sacramental act that allows us to participate in the deeper truth that, although evil and death are real, they are not ultimate.

    Read more of this reflection by Senter Crook

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